About the Journal

GENIUS: Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education is an open access journal presented by Islamic Early Childhood Education Program and the Faculty of Islamic Education and Teacher Training of Universitas Islam Negeri Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember. This journal focuses on early childhood studies, such as early childhood education and development.

GENIUS: Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education is a peer-reviewed journal of early childhood education published biannually on June and December. 

GENIUS: Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education is specialized in Development of Moral and Religious Values, Physical Motoric Development, Social and Emotional Development, Cognitive Development, Language Development, The Development of Arts and Creativities, Parenting, Early Childhood Educational Institution Management, Early Childhood Development Assessment, Early Childhood Development Psychology Empowerment of Early Childhood, Early Childhood Learning Strategies, Early Childhood Learning Curriculum, Educational Game Tools in Early Childhood Education, Learning Medias in Early Childhood Education, Innovations in Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Nutrition and Health and other relevant topics. The journal promotes researchers, scholars, as well as professionals in the realm of Early Childhood Education to communicate their original research and current issues on the subject. The languages used are Indonesian ad English. 

GENIUS: Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education is an open access journal which commits that all of the contents provided are available and can be accessed freely, without any charges. Users are allowed to access it, read it, download it, copy it, distribute it, print it or use it for any legal permissible goals and scientific purposes. Users doesn’t need to request for any permissions from the publisher or the author.

GENIUS: Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education commits that Author is all free of charge for submission, editing, reviewing and publication.