Plagiarism Policy

1. GENIUS: Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education uses Turnitin as the Plagiarism Checking tool;
2. All manuscripts must be free from plagiarism contents. All authors are suggested to use plagiarism detection software to do the similarity checking. Editors check the plagiarism detection of articles in this journal by using a Turnitin software, maximum 30%;
3. Plagiarism happens when someone uses another person's work without giving them credit. Even if it's an accident, this is still a big problem in academic writing and is not allowed in international journals;
4. When authors use ideas from other authors, even if they build on those ideas, they should acknowledge the original source. This applies to everything from data analysis techniques and conclusions to general facts or current trends. To be clear, it's important to cite the sources. If authors want to build upon an existing idea, they should first acknowledge the original author and then present their own take in a separate sentence;
5. All papers must be original work that has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Any content directly copied from another source should be clearly marked as such by indenting, using quotation marks, and citing the original source;
6. Any text or graphic material copied from another source beyond a few sentences must have permission from the copyright holder and, if possible, the original author(s). The source should also be clearly identified;
7. If plagiarism is found in a paper, the Editor-in-Chief will review it and decide on appropriate actions based on the severity of the plagiarism.

Those actions will follow the guidelines outlined below:
Minor Level
A small portion of another article was copied without any substantial information or concepts being borrowed. A warning will be issued to the authors, and they will be required to modify their text and provide proper attribution to the original article.
Intermediate Level
A substantial amount of the paper has been copied from another source without giving credit. The article will be rejected, and the author will need to resubmit it after addressing the plagiarism issues outlined in our policy.
Critical Level
A substantial portion of the paper is a direct copy of work published elsewhere, including original data or theories. The authors' paper will be rejected, and they will be banned from submitting future articles for five years.