E-ISSN: 2723-0694
P-ISSN: 2723-0686
These are the conditions in writing the manuscripts to be submitted :
Title should be concise and clear (maximum 15 words) without any subtitles. written in Bookman Old Style font, bold 14 pt in bold and centered position with spacing before 6 pt and spacing after 6 pt. The title must describe the content of the research / study. Please use a clear and simple but informative sentence. Title must be unambiguous, specific and complete. Using abbreviations is not allowed, except for common abbreviations (e.g DNA).
Name and Affiliation
Author names must be written in Bookman Old Style, 12pt, bold, single line spacing, as well as author affiliations. Under affiliation, include the email address in Bookman Old Style font in 12pt but in italics typing.
Abstract is presented in a structured paragraph written in English and Bahasa Indonesia (approximately 200-250 words). The abstract should contain background, aims, method, results and conclusion. Three to four keywords are written alphabetically under the abstract.
Introduction covers the background of the problem, the formulation of the problem, research objectives and the benefits of research findings.
Method contains research design; time and location of research; population, sample and sampling method; how research works; as well as analysis of research results.
Results and Discussion
Results and Discussion contains the results of research in accordance with the objectives of the study accompanied by scientific discussions and arguments. Tables, graphs, images that support the results of the study can be included. The discussion focused on discussing the main results of the study. The provisions of writing tables, graphs and drawings are as follows:
If the text contains symbols and units, please use the standard unit symbols that are generally used, either to express time, weight, temperature, grade or distance. Please avoid using non-standard unit symbols. When providing a numeric value followed by the unit of measurement, place a space / distance between the value and the unit of measurement. This also applies to writing percentages and degrees Celsius (eg 42% or 35%, 234 ° C, 504 K).
Make sure the placement and numbering of equations are always consistent throughout your manuscript. Put the equations on the left straight parallel and place the numbering in a flush-right manner, using the right tab on the right margin. Give a reference description in text form. Meanwhile, variables must be presented in italics.
Figures and tables should be attached in the body article rather than as appendix. Figures and tables must be original and sharp. Figures and tables are centered at the top or bottom of the page. Please don't use the small font size in the illustrations and use the Bookman Old Style font. Arrange the table numbers and left-aligned titles on top of the table. Place horizontal lines above and below the table title and at the bottom of the table. Titles for tables and figures should be in the Bookman Old Style 12 pt font, with 0 pt spaces before and 6 pt after paragraphs and place it left aligned at the top of the table. If the table is too long to fit one page, the table numbers and titles must be repeated on the next page before the table continues.
Caption text is placed under each illustration, with Bookman Old Style font, 12 points size and single line space. Images and captions must be centered at the bottom of the image; two narrow figures can be placed side by side. Please annotate the numbering in the text by writing: Figure 1, Fig. 2, etc.
Conclusions contains a brief statement, about the results obtained associated with the objectives and hypotheses (if any) has been proposed. If any suggestions or recommendations may be included in the conclusion.
Citation and References
For citation formats and models we use the American Psychological Association 7th Edition, you can find them using citation applications such as Mendeley, Zotero or other reference manager programs or by using online citation engines, such as http://www.citationmachine.net/what/cite-a-report/manual.
We are concerned to develop scientific knowledge and problem solving in early childhood education issues, so please only use references which are published not more than 5 years from your submission to Genius.
In order to give our readers a sense of continuity, we encourage you to identify GENIUS: Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education articles to get the similar researches. So, you can do a citation in your papers and make use of the papers published in GENIUS: Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Journal as your references.
References used in the article must consist of articles beside any other literatures. The references list must be included immediately after the end of the article. Don't start on the new page unless absolutely necessary. The author must ensure that every reference in the text appears in the list of references and vice versa.
If you use a conference proceeding as a reference, page numbers should be provided. If proceedings page numbers are not available, the lecture identification – e.g. lecture number should be provided instead. If you use a website as a reference, an author or institution should be provided. The date of the last access should be provided as well.
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The article must be checked by plagiarism checking software and the maximum limit of plagiarism is 30%.
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Published by Faculty of Education and Teaching Sciences
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember.
Supervised by Rumah Jurnal UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember